Thursday, June 29, 2006

The whole range

"The vibration that you interpret as vision, the vibration that you interpret as sound, or the vibrations that you interpret as smell or taste or touch, these are all vibrations that you have learned to translate through your five physical senses. But there are other vibrations that you cannot decipher through those senses. And so, you must use another sense. Some call it your sixth sense; we call it your "feelings" or your emotional center, that feeling that you get in your solar plexus. Those emotions that you feel are also interpreters of vibration."

~ Abraham-Hicks

Monday, June 26, 2006

Possible Unified Theory for Physics

A new way of looking at concepts that several giants of physics have discusssed throughtout the ages is coming.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Fast Times ahead.

The Hopi say that we are in a time of a rushing river, and that by clinging to the banks one is going to use their strength and fall pray to the current with out the energy to stay a float. Let the river carry you and see with whom and where you show up.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer is here and SO what. Well

Solstice occurs when the Sun enters Cancer, this year at 8:26 AM EDT, 12:26 PM GMT on June 21. There are layers upon layers of significance in this moment.
Our level of consciousness as we pass through the Solstice gateway will be imprinted into future generations. The implications are limitless.
Energetically, the Solstice chart for June 21, 2006, resembles the Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, and the Harmonic Concordance of November 8-9, 2003, two pivotal moments in the transformation of consciousness leading to and through 2012. Both accompanied mass spiritual awakenings.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Follow your heart.

"The idea that we can think with our hearts is no longer just a
metaphor, but is, in fact, a very real phenomenon. We now know this
because the combined research of two or three fields is proving that
the heart is the major center of intelligence in human beings.
Molecular biologists have discovered that the heart is the body's most
important endocrine gland. In response to our experience of the world,
it produces and releases a major hormone, ANF -- which stands for
Atriol Neuriatic Factor -- that profoundly effects every operation in
the limbic structure, or what we refer to as the "emotional brain."

This includes the hippocampal area where memory and learning take
place, and also the control centers for the entire hormonal system.
And neurocardiologist have found that 60 to 65% of the cells of the
heart are actually neural cells, not muscle cells as was previously
believed. They are identical to the neural cells in the brain,
operating through the same connecting links called ganglia, with the
same axonal anddendritic connections that take place in the brain, as
well as through the very same kinds of neurotransmitters found in the

Quite literally, in other words, there is a "brain" in the heart,
whose ganglia are linked to every major organ in the body, to the
entire muscle spindle system that uniquely enables humans to express
their emotions. About half of the heart's neural cells are involved in
translating information sent to it from all over the body so that it
can keep the body working as one harmonious whole. And the other half
make up a very large, unmediated neural connection with the emotional
brain in our head and carry on a twenty-four-hour-a-day dialogue
between the heart and the brain that we are not even aware of."


Here is a voice of reason!

"Science advances one funeral at a time." -- Max Planck

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Don't judge a life by one difficult season.

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn to not judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
  1. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
  2. The second son said no--it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
  3. The third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that smelledd so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.
  4. The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but one season in the tree's life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are--and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life--can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the
pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.

Author Unknown

M-S colors, energy and trees

Monday is a yin or receptive (female) energy the colors are White, silvers, Creams and Light Greys. These are the colors for womens mysteries, protection, emotions, dreams, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, female fertility, messages, theft and voyages. Subconscious healings, sisters, small animals and children, wives, instincts, the female side of the MALE and Mothers. The tree is the WILLOW

Tuesday is a YANG or (MALE) energy day, ruled by the planet Mars, its colors are REDS of all shades and some Oranges. These are the colors for courage, revenge, power over enemies,higher education, endurance, violence, fast action, surgery, breaking away of negative energies, matrimony, war, prison, hunting, politics and physical competitions, leadership, any BLOOD healing, lust and the Tree is the Holly Tree.

Wednesday is a YANG, or male energy ruled by the planet of communications, Mercury. Wednesdays colors are yellows, greys, violets, and opalescent colors. Wednesday has the energies of mental clarity, communications, writing, strategy, divination, young people, knowledge, business negotiations, teaching, addictions, reason, debt, fear, loss, self improvement and healings. This day is also good for groups and travel and the tree is the HAZEL

Thursday is a YANG or male energy ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck. The colors are royal purple and royal Blue. This day has the energies of luck, growth, expansion, generosity, male fertility, olden men, masculine side of the female, legal matters, health, honor, wealth, clothing, desires, mens professions and spiritual attainment, the Tree is the OAK

Friday is female or YIN energy ruled by Venus the planet of love. ITs colors are Pink, aqua, greens and pastels. Friday has the energyies of love and pleasure, peace, romance, marriage, attraction, friendships, gentleness, ease, partnerships, art, music, sexual matters, affaikrs of the heart, physical beauty, scents and parfumes, social activities, womens problems, protection and affairs. THE tree is the APPLE tree

Saturday is female or YIN energy ruled by Saturn the energy of discipline and structure. Its colors are blacks, dark purples, dark gray, and Indigo. Saturday has the energies of obstacles to overcome a block, spirit communication, meditation, life, freedom, self-discipline, protection, but also limitations to give or break energies, locating lost items and people, the elderly, endings, death, the destroying of disease and pests, constricting and those constricting you, psychic defense. The tree is the ALDER

Sunday is YANG or male energy ruled by the SUN, its colors are Oranges, yellows, golds, white and this day has the energies of health, leadership, healing, prosperity, self-knowledge, happiness, ego, hope, joy, strength, individuality, authority figures, fathers, husbands, protection, power and spirituality, promotions, power and fortune. The tree is the BIRCH

~ Author Unknown but appreciated ~

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Children Learn What They Live.

  • If a child lives with Criticism, he learns to condemn.
  • If a child lives with Hostility, he learns to fight.
  • If a child lives with Ridicule, he learns to be shy.
  • If a child lives with Shame, he learns to feel guilty.
  • If a child lives with Tolerance, he learns to be patient.
  • If a child lives with Encouragement, he learns to be confident.
  • If a child lives with Praise, he learns to appreciate.
  • If a child lives with Fairness, he learns justice.
  • If a child lives with Security, he learns to have Faith.
  • If a child lives with Approval, he learns to like himself.
  • If a child lives with Acceptance and Friendship, he learns to find
    Love in the world.
       Written by Dorthy Law Nolte.

Monday, June 12, 2006

We must learn to shout

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
> -- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, June 09, 2006


You may also be triggered at times with other multiple Master Numbers. The
Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 &

These numbers belong to the Greater Reality which is the reality that is
based on
Oneness rather than duality.

11 = birthing and anchoring the New.
22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World.
33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being.
44 = the balance between spirtual and physical, the reconfiguring of our
evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation
of our
New Lives.
55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past & totally real.
66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner.
77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings.
88 = mastering of abundance in all realms.
99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle. Time for another quantum

Each Master Number is a level of initiation that we all must pass through in
evolutionary journey on Earth.

Sometimes, we may even be activated by super Master Numbers such as: 111,
333, 444, 555, etc. Each of these has an unique resonance which affects and
activates us on deep cellular levels.

 ~ Author Unknown but appreciated ~

Earth & You are in a state of ascension.

The 3rd dimension - Where the physical body exists it is matter-based.

The 4th dimension is the astral plane - it is emotion-based. Together
these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the
dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these
dimensions can the illusion of good and evil be maintained -and can You
feel separated from Spirit and from each other. We have become quite
good at doing that. Its been a very successful game of separation but it
is time for it to end.

The 5th through the 9th dimensions make up the Mid-Creation Realm.

Earth is
now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing
line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension.  The 5th is the Lightbody dimension in which you are aware of yourself as
a Master and a multidimensional being. In the 5th dimension, you are
completely spiritually oriented. Many have come in from this
plane to be Lightworkers.

The 6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of
species' creation, including humankind. It is also where the Light
languages are stored and is made up mostly of colour and tone.. It is
the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and one of the
places where you work during sleep. Since it is not physically based it may take some time to become comfortable here since one is not in a body unless you choose to create one.

The 7th dimension is that of pure creativity, pure light, pure tone,
pure geometry, and pure __expression. It is a plane of infinite

The 8th dimension is of group mind or group soul and where you would
touch base with the vaster part of who you are. It is characterized by
loss of sense of the "I". When You travel multi-dimensionally, it is
this plane where you have most trouble keeping Your consciouness
together because you are pure "we" operating with group goals. So, it
may seem as though you have gone to sleep or  become hazy.

The 9th dimension in the model that we use is the plane of the
collective consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and
dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult to get a sense of "I"
because you are so vast that everything is "you". Imagine being the
consciousness of a galaxy. Every life-form, every star, - planet, and
group mind of every species in it is you. When one become active in this dimension,
it can be difficult to remain conscious you need to be able to ground yourselves back to Earth.

The 10th through 12th dimensions make up the Upper Creation Realm.

The 10th dimension is the source of the Rays, home of what are called
the Elohim. This is where Light is differentiated and is the source of
plans of creation which are sent to the MidCreation levels. You can have
a sense of "I" at this level but it won't be what you are used to here. 

There is more of a sence of being the ocean as opposed to being a drop in it. 

The llth dimension is that of pre-formed Light, the point before
creation and a state of exquisite expectancy. This is the high that many that use drugs are trying to create just here it is without the drugs or the point before an orgasm that trantric practices seek . It is the realm of the being known as Metatron,
and of Archangels and the Higher Akashic for this Source-system. There
are planetary Akashic records and galactic Akashics as well as the
Akashic for an entire Source-system. You are in one Source-system of

The 12th dimension is the One Point where all consciousness knows itself
to be utterly one with All That Is. There is no separation of any kind.
If you tap into this level, you know yourself to be completely one with
All That Is, with the creator force. If you tap in there, you will never
be the same again because you cannot sustain the same degree of
separation if you have experienced complete unity or oneness.

Spirit creates the illusion of separation up to the 7th dimension. At
higher frequencies, distinctions become completely meaningless, and all
is Spirit

Pluto is doing what?

Pluto, planet of power and transformation, has reached the pulsating
central axis of our Milky Way galaxy (26 degrees of Sagittarius) and
will stay there throughout 2007. Pluto then turns direct in September of 2006. Not longer after, as the Fifth Day of the Mayan Calendar begins in November The Mayans noted that in these "end times," our brain hemispheres would
finally come into balance, as the intuitive feminine (right brain)
rises up to meet the logical masculine (left brain).
According to the Mayan Calendar, the planet�s acceleration of consciousness will peak at the end of 2011

To learn more visit

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Some more about 666

The basis of life on earth is the carbon atom which is made up of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electons. As well on a electromagnethericly or frequency 666 thousand virbrations/sec divided by 2 is the threshold between the physical and non physical realtiy.   So we are 666

Do you know the Secret

If you have not see or heard about "The Secret" alls I can see is that if you have taken the time to plug into the Switch Plate you need to take the time to watch "The Secret"

The key to predicting eclipses

Noticing that they occur in cycles, or at more or less regular intervals. The Sun goes round the sky once a year; the Moon once a month. This means that, every month, the Moon ‘overtakes’ the sun. This happens at the New Moon, and this is when solar eclipses occur. But, of course, we don’t get an eclipse every New Moon. This is because the Moon has an elliptical orbit: sometimes it passes above the Sun when it overtakes it, sometimes below. But the Moon’s elliptical orbit has its own cycle: it returns to the same place it started from every 18 years or so. Thus – if seen from the same place on Earth – an eclipse will be followed by another one just over 18 years later.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oneness of us all

"All men are by nature equal, made, all, of the same earth by the
same Creator...Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and
princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and
political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner
natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are
compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their
evils,--no, nor the human race, as I believe,--and then only will
this our State have a possibility of life and behold the light of
day."--Plato (427-347 B.C.)

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Law of One

The actual Law of One series makes it very clear that the following 
occur after 2012 (technically 2011-2013):

* all earth changes ("inconveniences") will cease after 2012;
* the photon (which is the builder of all life, matter and energy) will
shift to a whole new vibrational frequency (the green-ray) in 2012 -
life, matter and energy will profoundly change as well;
* the earth will be a "fourth-density positive planet" after 2012;
* fourth-density life is "electrically incompatible" with third-density
* fourth-density entities are segregated from third-density entities
they cannot cloak themselves otherwise for their own protection;
* negative entities (like the negative elite) are segregated from
fourth-density positive planets, enforced by strict quarantine
protocols -
hence no more Enron scandals, trrzts, wars, et cetera;
* the earth will make an approximately 22-degree realignment on its
when it shifts to fourth-density; and
* an event we now call "Ascension" and Ra called "Harvest" will occur
this time.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Unify the whole you.

States of consciousness:   

Elemental? alpha frequencies? threshold consciousness

Personality? beta frequencies? waking consciousness

Dreamself? theta frequencies? dreaming consciousness

Soul? delta frequencies? deep sleep consciousness

Monad? deep delta? lucid, or ? turiya? consciousness

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cosmic Date ahead.

August 8, 2006, which works out to 8/8/8. Is this a date of cosmic significance?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Blood types and personality

Type O "Hot"

Roughly 38% of the world is O +ve and 6% O -ve.

Confident and Strong-Willed, Proud, Dedicated, Sociable,
Energetic, Extroverted, Frank, Realist, Showy, Flighty,
Generalist, Positive, Independent, Risk-Takers, Dislike
taking orders, Insecure, Stubborn & Self-Centered.
Make friends easily and go with flow and grasp opportunity.
Quick to start a project or chase an idea. Are good at
organizing activities. May have short attention span,
and expresses strong emotions. May quickly take opposite
views that are deep but not always durable. Classic
entrepreneurs and movers and shakers. Express their emotions
but can be swayed by other blood types. Have an
intrinsic elegance. Sociable and showy. May be good at adapting
to circumstances. Words come easily to them. Not self conscious
and will frankly reveal inner feelings. Ambitious, but may have
issues with detail. Like to be touch and be touched by others.

Type A "Cool"

Roughly 34% of the world is A +ve and 6% A -ve.

Obedient, Careful, Sympathetic, Self-Sacrificing, Polite, Honest,
Loyal, Emotional, Introverted & Nervous. Are reserved calm and
even tempered. Sensitive to public opinion. May be Introverted,
shy and nervous or ill at ease with others. May be Pessimistic.
Value relationships and are loyal. Hesitant to change. Nature
lovers and dislike crowds - need a private place or secret hideaway.
Can be indecisive. Good at team work and obey rules. Dislike to
touch or be touched by others.

Type B "Active"

Roughly 9% of the world is B +ve and 2% B -ve.

Cheerful, Optimistic, Active, Sensitive, Kind, Forgetful,
unorganized, Noisy, Egocentric Energetic and have the drive
to reach towards goals. May be workaholics. Not the best
team players and are individualistic. Do things at one's
own pace. Strong personality adventurous. Likes to get
one's own way. Are Sociable and enjoy entertaining.
Like to touch or be touched by others.

Type AB "Care-Free"

Roughly 4% of the world is AB +ve and 1% AB -ve.

Social, Easy-going, Sympathetic, Diplomatic, Outgoing,
Laid-back, Creative, Unpredictable, Artistic, Flexible,
Moody and Brooding. Blend of opposites. Shy with some
and bold with some. Introvert and Extrovert. Unpredictable
and may seem to have calm exterior. Strong creative strain.
Good at spotting problems and skirting them. Like city
environment. Get bored easily. Everything they do is
compelling. Never take things for granted. Appear mysterious.
Contribute harmoniously to society. Dislike to touch
or be touched by others.


2006 at the Halfway point.

At the half way point of the year and the 19 year Lunar Standstill
reaching its exact center point this month when the Nodal Axis
arrives at zero Aries/Libra at the Summer Solstice, plus Pluto is
still near Galactic Center and the fixed Grand
Cross that has been active most of the year is coming into exact
alignment this month at the Summer Solstice June 21st.

his year 2006, maximizing

The Solstices now aligned along the Galactic Plane, Pluto at
Galactic Center this year and next in its 248 year cycle and
being at the
center point of the 3 year Lunar Standstill window or "out of
bounds" Moon where the Moon is occulting the Galactic Center
and the Galactic
Edge for three days each month.
Solstices are now aligned
along the galactic plane for the first time
in 13,000 years

Visit for more details