At the half way point of the year and the 19 year Lunar Standstill
reaching its exact center point this month when the Nodal Axis
arrives at zero Aries/Libra at the Summer Solstice, plus Pluto is
still near Galactic Center and the fixed Grand
Cross that has been active most of the year is coming into exact
alignment this month at the Summer Solstice June 21st.
his year 2006, maximizing
The Solstices now aligned along the Galactic Plane, Pluto at
Galactic Center this year and next in its 248 year cycle and
being at the
center point of the 3 year Lunar Standstill window or "out of
bounds" Moon where the Moon is occulting the Galactic Center
and the Galactic
Edge for three days each month. Solstices are now aligned
along the galactic plane for the first time
in 13,000 years
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