Friday, June 09, 2006


You may also be triggered at times with other multiple Master Numbers. The
Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 &

These numbers belong to the Greater Reality which is the reality that is
based on
Oneness rather than duality.

11 = birthing and anchoring the New.
22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World.
33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being.
44 = the balance between spirtual and physical, the reconfiguring of our
evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation
of our
New Lives.
55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past & totally real.
66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner.
77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings.
88 = mastering of abundance in all realms.
99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle. Time for another quantum

Each Master Number is a level of initiation that we all must pass through in
evolutionary journey on Earth.

Sometimes, we may even be activated by super Master Numbers such as: 111,
333, 444, 555, etc. Each of these has an unique resonance which affects and
activates us on deep cellular levels.

 ~ Author Unknown but appreciated ~


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