Monday, November 27, 2006

Carl Johan Calleman on 'The Mayan Calendar'

Carl Johan Calleman on 'The Mayan Calendar'
Posted by: "circle2012dreams ." circle2012dreams
Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:59 pm (PST)
Many people hear about the so called end date of the Mayan calendar
and today some people have even created the illusion that the Mayan
calendar was designed only to point out this end date. In reality,
there is nothing to indicate that the ancient Maya who developed the
Long Count calendar had any interest in what would happen as this
calendar came to an end. Instead what the ancient Mayan scriptures
talk about is its beginning. The exact date for this beginning was
apparently set based on the day of the year, August 11, when the sun
was in Zenith in Izapa, where most likely this calendar first came in
use. Ancient Mayan inscriptions also talk about this time as the time
when the First Father erected the World Tree so that the light could
enter, a significant event in creation. The various dynasties in the
different Mayan city states would then try to track a relationship to
this seminal event by First Father and legitimize their power based on

The fact that the Mayan Long Count was based on the day the sun was in
Zenith in Izapa, has however created a very significant
misunder-standing among modern people and this is that it would end on
December 21, 2012. The particular date the sun is in Zenith in this
location obviously have no relevance in the rest of the world, but
because of the power of tradition some will still adhere to it. In
reality, the creation cycle that began as the First Father erected the
World Tree will end on October 28, 2011. This day is also 13 Ahau in
the Sacred Mayan calendar, an energy with great prophetical relevance.

By Carl Johan Calleman

http://www.calleman .com/

A Synopsis of the Presentation of the Mayan Calendar

A Synopsis of the Presentation of the Mayan Calendar
James L. Beene

An introduction to the Mayan Calendar
Who were the Mayan people?
Where did the Calendar come from?
Does history verify the periods of the Mayan Calendar?
Correlation of world events to the periods of the Mayan Calendar
What is the significance of this Calendar to the present time?
How does the Mayan Calendar relate to the events of biblical

This is how the Mayan Calendar is defined; there are 9 sets of
(Underworlds) given to the Mayans by the "Skypeople". These are
given in
the table below. Each of these cycles has a period of 7 Days and 6
Nights (same as the Genesis story of creation!). The length of Days
Nights) are determined by the specific cycle; in the Cellular Cycle
Days/Nights were 1.26 billion years long while in the Planetary
the Days/Nights were 19.69 years long.

Underworld or Cycle Name Cycle period, Total Length
#1: Cellular Cycle 16.4 billion years
#2: Mammalian Cycle 820 million years
#3: Familial Cycle 41 million years
#4: Tribal Cycle 2 million years
#5: Regional Cycle 102,000 years
#6: National Cycle 5125 years
#7: Planetary Cycle 256 years
#8: Galactic Cycle 12.8 years
#9: Universal Cycle 0.72 years

Why were the Mayans (a relatively primitive society) given a
that shows the point of origin of the universe? Why did they need
Answer: they didn't need that knowledge but they were given the
honor of
safeguarding this knowledge until now. This is one of the
aspects of this calendar.

Since our awareness is increasing very rapidly (scripture refers to
exponential increase in awareness), it is of great help to organize
history into a pattern that makes sense of human life. This enables
people to understand, not only the events of the past, but the
events and how future history is unfolding. It provides a release
the fears caused by the present system of governments, finances,
politics and world events. This understanding brings a deep sense of
calm and peace amidst the turmoil of these changing days.

The Mayan calendar expresses the schedule of Creation, and we are
presently in the second to last of the great cycles, the Galactic
Previously, the Days/Nights were 19.69 years long (about 20 years to
"generation" ) but now the Days/Nights are only 360 days long. So,
period of a "generation" is less than a year. What used to take
over 20 years now occurs in less than a year. We are now in the 3rd
of the Galactic cycle. This cycle contains the impact between the
consciousness that is now running and the previous consciousness
The previous cycle is called the Planetary Consciousness cycle and
has produced a planetary consciousness with the development of
technology and telecommunications. This entire Planetary Cycle of
years has been about the development of POWER. From 1755 AD up to
consciousness has been applied to developing means of empowerment
the environment and each other with machines and weapons of mass
destruction. This is commonly known as the Industrial Revolution.

The new Galactic consciousness cycle, which began Jan. 5th 1999, is
based on ETHICS. (The deft application of power) At the outset these
are directly opposed. There will be a direct collision between the
and the ETHICS. Once the pieces have been reassembled the power that
now have at our disposal will be applied in an Ethical manner for
benefit of all, not just a few. Those few are desperate and running
the light of new consciousness.

The 2nd Night had a midnight on June 19th 2002. Just as earthly
midnights are the point where we start moving toward the day, so are
consciousness cycles midnights a point where consciousness moves
the next day. The 3rd day of the consciousness cycles is always a
demonstration or unfolding of the "TRUTH" behind the operation of
previous Cycle. In this case, the truth about the extreme measures
by those in power to remain in those positions will be fully exposed.

Around June 18th, 2002, there was a change in the direction of world
consciousness toward the truth. This will more than likely be an
that will draw the attention of everyone on Earth with all of the
resulting effects being squarely placed on the shoulders of those
responsible, i.e. our own Government's operatives. The disclosures
within our FBI (reported in this week's TIME magazine) are brought
by the ETHICAL conduct of one Coleen Rowley.

The truth is coming my friends. Tell your neighbors whether they
want to
hear or not. It is the kindest thing you can do for them. It will
the shock or even move them into a new consciousness before the

Time is not becoming compressed; rather consciousness is being
as it always was. Only the period of time is changing and is now
changing very rapidly.

We, indeed, are the ones that we have been waiting for. Let us grow
knowledge and wisdom! Let us manifest the Creator and let peace
with each one of us.
(Sign of Rev:12:1-4 is revealed on September 12,1999)

The Galactic Period
Galactic Period Dates

Day #1: The Seed, time of planting 01-05-1999 to 12-30-1999
Change from the consciousness of previous cycle
Night #1: Germination, movement up to next Day 12-31-2000 to 12-24-
Preparation for the Millennium
Day #2: Sprout, duality, separation 12-25-2000 to 12-19-2001
World is polarized, light impacts old consciousness
Night#2: Application of duality (1st impact between new 12-20-2001
Consciousness and old consciousness)
New consciousness overtake old, all truth is revealed
Day #3: Type of plant defined. The Truth comes forth about the old
12-15-2002 to 12-09-2003
Evaporation of the nations, consciousness overwhelms nations
Night #3: Plant begins to take on its full characteristics. The
12-10-2003 to 12-03-2004
revelations and conflicts are resolved
New consciousness dominates old consciousness
Day #4: Plant is now well defined. New consciousness dominates
12-04-2004 to 11-28-2005
old consciousness
Time of healing, new foundations of human relations

Night #4: Growth patterns move to create the new life. New 11-29-
2005 to
foundations are laid and new procedures are lived with the
new consciousness.
Time of the coming of the Christ Consciousness
Ethical procedures are implemented
Day #5: Flowers appear. A new man begins to be formed. 11-24-2006 to
New consciousness is accelerated (See Jeremiah 31:31-34)
We meet our Galactic neighbors
Night #5: Flowers are pollinated. Mankind moves to the next level
11-19-2007 to 11-12-2008
of evolution
The end of manufactured lack
Day #6: Fruits or seed pods begin to form 11-13-2008 to 11-07-2009
Mankind moves beyond technology, Spirit manifests desires
Undefined period of growth in consciousness
Night #6: Fruits ripen. Man becomes aware of himself 11-08-2009 to
All consciousness becomes aware of the names of G_d
Day #7: Time of reseeding, to complete the cycle and start an 11-03-
to 10-28-2011
even greater cycle.
We evolve to conscious Co-creation of existence and experience
Time of the New Heaven and the new Earth, See Revelations 19:19

Beginning on Feb 10, 2011, the final Universal Cycle begins (this is
part way through the 7th Day of the Galactic Cycle). Here the Days
Night are 20 days long and the spiritual change in mankind moves
at a great pace. The collective consciousness of all those that are
transformed (a totally new stage in the evolution of man) create
a "new
heaven and a new earth" as spoken of by John in his book of
The last day of the last cycle period is October 28, 2011. The
does not imply or suggest what happens after this time nor does the
Scriptures, except that there will be a period of 1000 years of
(that surpasses all understanding) and then 34,000 years of the
fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham.
This is a brief look at the events revealed to the Mayans, who did
understand all the events even when they foresaw the end of their
culture. They then knew that their role was to guard the meaning of
calendar until the "end".
June 18, 2002 was the "Midnight" point between the 2nd Night and the
Day in the Galactic Cycle. This is the time when the full disclosure
truth begins; just recall to mind the things that began to happen
this date. This is the result of the present Divine Consciousness
impressed on the universe, not just the earth or Solar system. This
the Divine Plan at work!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Queen Of The Angels

Queen Of The Angels
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There are many legends about the Queen Of The Angels. In Catholicism, the Queen of Angels, "regina angelium", is the Virgin Mary. In the Cabala, it is the Shekinah; in Gnosticism, it is Pistis Sophia.

In Jewish occult lore, female angels are rare. In Gnostic lore there is Pistis Sophia, "faith, knowledge", a great female aeon or archon, or angel. In Arabic legend, female angels are not uncommon and were often objects of worship or veration; they were called "benad hasche", Daughters of God.

Many of the traditions are listed here.

Female Angels

Acamoth One of the aeons, and a daughter of Pistis Sophia. In Ophitic Gnosticism, Achamoth is the mother of the evil god Ildabaoth.

Agrat bat Mahlat An angel of prostitution, one of the 4 mates of Sammael or Samael (Satanil, Samil, Satan, Seir, Salmael, etc.) - a combination of "sam" meaning poison and "el" meaning angel. The other 3 mates are Lilith and Naamah, and Eisheth Zenunim.

Al Ussa In Pagan Arab mythology, a female angel. Her idol was destroyed on orders of Hohammed

Apsu In Babylonian mythology, Apsu is a female (?) angel of the abyss; "father" of the Babylonian gods as well as "wife" of Tamat. Apsu is finally slain by his (her) son Ea.

Ardousisur (Arduisher) In Zoroastrianism, Ardouisur is a female-ized (i.e., Cherub). Among the attributes of this Cherub is making females prolific and giving them easy childbirth, and even supplying them with breast milk. Her title is "giver of living water, " says King in "The Gnostics and Their Remains", p. 106.

Armaita (Aramaiti, Armaiti) In Persian mythology, one of the 6 or 7 Amesha Spentas or Archangels. She is the spirit of truth, wisdom, and goodness who became incarnate and visited the earth "to help the good."

Aruru In Sumerian mythology, a female messenger of the gods who created man from clay. She was the mother of the hero Gilgamesh.

Astarte (Ashteroth, Ashtoreth, Ishtar-Venus, etc.) Chief female diety of the ancient Phoenicians, Syrians, Carthaginians. Astarte was a Syrian moon goddess of fertility. As Ashteroth she was worshipped by the Jews in times when idolatry was prevalent in Palestine: "Ashotoreth, the abomination of the Zidonians" (II Kings, 23:13), the Zidonians being the Phoenicians. Jeremiah called Ashtoreth the "queen of heaven." The Greeks borrowed their Aphrodite from Astarte. Finally, Astarte shows up, in occult lore, as the demon for the month of April. In "Paradise Lost" (I, 438), Astarte is a fallen angel, equated with Astoreth.

Barbelo A great archon (female) "perfect in glory and next in rank to the Father-of-All. " She is the consort of Cosmocrator. In the "Texts of the Saviour", Barbelo is the daughter of Pistis Sophia, procreator of the superior angels. (Cosmocrator: in Valentian gnosticism, Cosmocrator is ruler of the material cosmos in the guise of Diabolos (the devil). His consort is Barbelo and together "they sing praise to the Powers of the Light," which would indicate that Cosmocrator is not wholly evil. [Rf. "Pistis Sophia"])

Benad Hasche ("Daughters of God") Female angels worshipped by Arabs.

Derdekea A heavenly female power who descends to earth for the salvation of man. In the gnostic "Paraphrase of Shem", Derdekea is referred to as the Supreme Mother.

Eisheth Zenunim (Isheth Zenunim) In Zoharistic Cabala, an angel of whoredom or prostitution, one of the 4 mates of the evil Sammael.

Ephinoia In Valentianian gnosticism, the 1st female manifestation of God. Cf. the Shekinah, also Holy Ghost (the latter being regarded in some sources as the mother of the living, Zoe, hence female).

Epititiokh A virgin aeon, mentioned in gnostic lore.

Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) Another name for the Comforter, the 3rd person in the Trinity, sometimes regarded as female. The apocryphal "The Gospel According to the Hebrews" makes the Lord speak of "my mother the Holy Ghost" who "took me by one of my hairs and carried me to the great mountain Tabor", traditionally the mountain of the Transfiguration.
The "mother" reference here is explained by the fact that in Aramaic, which Jesus spoke, as also in Hebrew, the word "spirit" or "ghost" is of feminine gender. Origin "On John II, 12", quotes the cited passages from "The Gospel According to the Hebrews." The "Commentary on Apocalypse of the Blessed John" suggests that "by the angel flying through the midst of Heaven is signified the Holy Spirit."

Hurmiz One of the daughters of Lilith. Hurmiz is mentioned in Talmud "Sabbath" 151b.

John the Baptist The "forerunner angel" as in Exodus 23:20,; Malachi 3;1, Matthew 11:10. "Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way to bring thee into the place I have prepared." In "The Zohar" (Vayehi, 232a), Rabbi Judah delcared: "This angel, this deliverer of the world, is sometimes male, sometimes female. When he procures blessings for the world, he is male, resembling the male who prides blessings for the females. But when he comes to bring chastisement on the world, he is female, being, as it were, pregnant with the judgment." In the Coptic "book of John the Evangelist", Jesus speaks of "Helias the prophet" (meaning John the Baptist) and refers to the latter as an angel sent by Satan to baptize the water. "In the incons of the Eastern Church he (John the Baptist) is always depicted with wings, to indicate his office as messenger angel sent before the face of Christ" from Gales, "The Christian Lore of Angels."

Lilith In Jewish tradition, where she originated, Lilith is a female demon, enemy of the infants, bride of the evil angel Sammael (Satan). She predated Eve, had marital relations with Adam, and must thus be regarded as our first parent's 1st wife.
According to Rabbi Eliezer("The Book of Adam and Eve"), Lilith bore Adam every day 100 children. "The Zohar (Leviticus 19a) describes Lilith as "a hot fiery female who at first cohabited with man", but when Eve was created, "flew to the cities of the sea coast, " where she is "still trying to ensnare mankind." She has been identified, incorrectly, with the screech owl in Isaiah 34:14.
In the Cabala she is the demon of Friday and is represented as a naked woman whose body terminates in a serpent's tail. While commonly regarded as the creation of the Rabbis of the early Middle Ages (the first traceable mention of Lilith occurs in a 10th-century folktale called the "Alphabet of Ben Sira"), Lilith is in fact drawn from the "lili", female demonic spirits in Mesophotamian demonology, and known as "ardat lili". The Rabbis read Lilith into Scripture as the 1st temptress, as Adam's demon wife, and as the mother of Cain. In Talmudic lore, as also in the cabala ("The Zohar"), most demons are mortal, but Lilith and two other notorious female spirits of evil (Naamah and Agrat bat Mahlat) will "continue to exist and plague man until the Messianic day, when God will finally extirpate uncleanliness and evil from the face of the earth." In Scholem's article one of the medieval writers in the magazine "Mada'e ha Yahudut" (II, 164ff.), Lilith and Sammael are said to have
"emanated from beneath the throne of Divine Glory, the legs of which were somewhat shaken by their [joint] activity." It is know, of course, that Sammael (Satan) was once a familiar figure in Heaven, but not that Lilith went by a score of names, 17 of which she revealed to Elijah when she was forced to do so by the Old Testament prophet.

The names of Lilith: Abeko, Abito, Amizo, Batna, Eilo, Ita, Izorpo, Kali, Kea, Kokos, Lilith, Odam, Partasah, Patrota, Podo, Satrina, Talto. Lilith is also named "Astaribo" in medieval magic, "Avitue" in Rabbinic lore, "Bat Zuge" is a term for the evil Lilith when she is regarded as the 10th of the 10 unholy sefiroth or divine emanations issuing from the left side of God

Naamah (Pleasing) In the Cabala, one of 4 angels of prostitution, all mates of Sammael, the other 3 being Lilith, Eisheth Zenunim, and Agrat (Iggereth) Bat Mahlat. According to Rabbi Isaac, the sons of God, specifically Uzza and Azael, were corrupted by Naaman. Rabbi Simeon called her mother of demons, and Rabbi Hiya believed she was the "great seducer not only of men but of spirits and demons," and that, with Lilith, she "brought epilepsy to children." In "The Legends of the Jews I, 150", Naamah is the mother of the devil Asmodeus by the angel-demon Shamdan. In Genesis 4:22, Naamah is a mortal, the sister Tubal-cain.

Ouestucati A female angel of an hour who comes from the hesperides and brings the sea wind. She is called "the lady of chaste hands" by Hilda Doolittle in the latter's poem "Sagesse". In the Cabala, Ouestucati is the corresponding angel of Iehuiah: an angel of the order of thrones or of powers, a protector of princes, and one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae

Pistis Sophia (Faith, Wisdom) A female aeon, one of the greatest in gnostic lore. She is said to have procreated "the superior angels." It was Pistis Sophia who sent the serpent to entice Adam and Eve. According to the "Texts of the Saviour", she is the mother of Barbelo.

"One of the aeonial beings who bears the name Sophia ("Wisdom") is of great importance to the Gnostic world view. In the course of her journeyings, Sophia came to emanate from her own being a flawed consciousness, a being who became the creator of the material and psychic cosmos, all of which he created in the image of his own flaw. This being, unaware of his origins, imagined himself to be the ultimate and absolute God. Since he took the already existing divine essence and fashioned it into various forms, he is also called the Demiurgos or "half-maker" There is an authentic half, a true deific component within creation, but it is not recognized by the half-maker and by his cosmic minions, the Archons or "rulers"."

"Deity: The Supreme Father God or Supreme God of Truth is remote from human affairs; he is unknowable and undetectable by human senses. She/he created a series of supernatural but finite beings called Aeons. One of these was Sophia, a virgin, who in turn gave birth to an defective, inferior Creator-God, also known as the Demiurge, meaning "public craftsman" in Greek. This lower God created the earth and its life forms. This is the God of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), a deity who was viewed as fundamentally evil, jealous, rigid, lacking in compassion and prone to genocide. The Demiurge "thinks that he is supreme. His pride and incompetence have resulted in the sorry state of the world as we know it, and in the blind and ignorant condition of most of mankind."" Copyright © 1996, 1999 & 2000, Author: B.A. Robinson

Rachel (A Ewe) In the Cabala, the Shekinah when "re-organized" as the Celestial Bride on her way to reunifications with God. She is one of the 4 matriarchs, rulers of the province in Heaven reserved for the daughters, wives, and sisters of the great Hebrew patriarchs.

Savatri (Savitri, Savitar) One of the 7 or 12 adityas or "infinite ones" (angels) in Vedic lore. He (or she) is a sun god or goddess, and is described as having "a golden hand, golden eyes" and "drawn by luminous brown steeds with white feet." In Vedic hymns Savatri is identified with Prajapati, the Creator. "Upon that excellent glory/of the god Savitar may we meditate;/May he stimulate our prayers."

Shekinah (Hebrew, "shachan", meaning "to reside"--Schechinah , Matrona. The female manifestation of God in man, the diving "inwohnung" (indwelling) . Also, the "bride of the Lord", compatible with the shakti of Shiva. The expression "the Shekinah rests" is used as a paraphrase for "God dwells." In Genesis 48:16 "the Angels which redeemed me from all evil, " uttered by Israel (Jacob), applies to the Shekinah, according to "The Zohar" (Balak 187a).
In the New Testament sense, the Shekinah is the glory emanating from God, His effulgence. The passage in Matthew 18:20 is translated by C. W. Emmet in Hastings, "Dictionary of the Bible" to read: "when two sit together and are occupied with the word of the Law, the Shekinah is with him." As interpreted by the Rabbi Johanan ("Midrash Rabba"; Exodus), Michael is the glory of Shekinah.

The Shekinah is the liberating Angel, manifesting in her male aspect as Metatron. In the Cabala, she is the 10th sefira Malkuth, otherwise the Queen. The creation of the world was, according to "The Zohar", the work of the Shekinah. Here, too, the Shekihah is spoken of as "abiding in the 12 holy chariots and the 12 supernal hayyoth." Elsewhere in "The Zohar" she is mentioned as a messenger from on high who, when she first appeared to Moses, was called an angel, just as she was called by Jacob. In "The Zohar" (Exodus 51a) she is "the way of the Tree of Life" and the "angel of the Lord." Maimonides in "moreh Nubuchim" regarded the Shekinah as an intermediary between God and the world, or as a perphrasis for God. [Rf. "Universal Jewish Encylopaedia" , vol. 9, p. 501.] The Shekinah has been identified with the Holy Ghost and the Epinoia of the gnostic Valentinus. Of her it has been said (Waite, "The Holy Kabbalah") "Behold, I send and angel before thee, to keep the in the way"
(Exodus 23.20), which has also been applied to Metatron and John the Baptist, "the forerunner angel." According to legend (Ginzberg, "The Legends of the Jews II", 148 and 200), Aaron died by a kiss from the Shekinah. In the same source (II, 260) it is related that Abraham caused the Shekinah to come down from the 2nd Heaven. And Talmud tells us that when God drove Adam out of the earthly paradise, the Shekinah remained behind "enthroned above a Cherub under the Tree of Life, her splendor being 65,000 times brighter than the sun," and that this radiance "made all upon whom it fell exempt from disease"; and, further, that then "neither insects nor demons could come nigh unto such to do them harm." An account somewhat at variance with the foregoing is given in Scholems' two works: "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism" and "Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition", where it is reported that the Shekinah was sent into exile on Adam's fall and that "to lead
the Shekinah back to God and to unite her with Him is the true purpose of the Torah." A reference to the dwelling place of the Shekinah occurs in "Canticles Rabba 6": "The original abode of the Shekinah was among the tahtonim [that is, among the lower ones: human beings, earth]. When Adam sinned, i [the abode] ascended to the 1st Heaven. With Cain's sin, it ascended to the 2nd Heaven. With Enoch's, to the 3rd. With the generation of the Flood, to the 4th. With the generations of the Tower of Babel, to the 5th. With the Sodomites, to the 6th. With the sin of the Egyptians in the days of Abraham, to the 7th." Corresponding to these there arose 7 righteous men who brought the Shekinah back to earth again. They were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi, Kehath (Levi's son and Moses' grandfather) , Amram, and Moses. A haggadah about the Shekinah is that she hovers over all conjugal unions between Jewish husbands and wives and blesses such unions with her presence. [See "Talmud Shabbath
55b"; "Bereshith Rabba" 98, 4. In this reference, cf. the Roman goddes Pertunda, presider over the marriage couch.]

Woman Clothed with the Sun "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered" (Revelation 12:1-2). This is perhaps the only instance in angelology where a heavenly creature is pregnant. From the text, she is the celestial prototype or counterpart of the Virgin Mary, mother of the son of God. According to Heckethorn, "The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries" (I, 108), the Woman Clothed with the Sun stems from the Egyptian Isis.

* www.bethcoleman. net/angelqueen. html *

Friday, November 17, 2006

Guidelines to help you to identify your passion.

1. Your PASSION always makes you feel on fire.

2. Your PASSION always makes time disappear (five hours always seems like
five minutes.

3. Your PASSION occupies most of your waking thoughts.

4. Your PASSION forces you into action, you cannot sit.

5. Your PASSION is something you will always find time for.

Changes in Our Solar System

Changes in Our Solar System

The study of our solar system has become a really large field of scientific
inquiry. Science has recently discovered significant changes happening to
all of the planets in our solar system.

SUN: The Sun’s magnetic field is more than 230 percent stronger than it was
at the beginning of the 1900s. Its overall energetic activity has sizably
increased, creating a frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASA’s
official predictions.

VENUS: is now glowing in the dark.

EARTH: Beginning about 1960, Earth’s surface grew dimmer by 4 – 6 percent.
About 1994 it began brightening again, which scientists believe may be
accelerating global warming and the greenhouse effect. During the last 30
years, the icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. For reasons
that scientists are unable to explain, in 1997 the structure of the Earth
began shifting from being more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to
being more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles.

MARS: This close-up image of Mars shows how its icecaps virtually melted
within just one year, causing 50-percent changes in surface features and its
atmospheric density has risen by 200 percent since 1997.

JUPITER: Jupiter has become so highly energized that it is now surrounded by
a visibly glowing donut tube of energy in the path of the moon Io, which now
glows in the dark. The size of Jupiter’s magnetic field has more than
doubled since 1992.

SATURN: Saturn’s polar regions have been noticeably brightening, and its
magnetic field strength increasing. Between 1980 and 1996, the speed of
rotation for Saturn’s clouds at the equator reduced by a whopping 58.2
percent, which was an unexpected and dramatic change in its weather.

URANUS: In 1999 NASA articles were referring to Uranus as being hit by Huge
Storms, making it a dynamic world with the brightest clouds in the outer
solar system. NASA also said that If springtime on Earth were anything like
it will be on Uranus, we would be experiencing waves of massive storms, each
one covering the country from Kansas to New York, with temperatures of 300
degrees below zero. NASA’s Voyager II space probe indicates that both Uranus
and Neptune appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts – 60 degrees for
Uranus and 50 for Neptune.

NEPTUNE: Since 1996 Neptune has become 40 percent brighter in infrared and
is 100-percent brighter in certain areas of its surface. Neptune’s moon
Triton has had a “very large percentage increase” in atmospheric pressure
and temperature that is comparable to an increase on Earth of 22-degrees

PLUTO: As of September 2002, Pluto has experienced a 300-percent increase in
its atmospheric pressure in the last 14 years, has also become noticeably
darker in color.

The first place I’ve was able to find this scientific information about
changes throughout our whole galaxy gathered in one place was in David
Wilcock’s book and website. David, who is only 32 years old, has been
creating an evolutionary paradigm based on the principle of intelligent
design. This means that there is order and predictability in the universe
because it was created by an intelligence with an intention.

Much of what Wilcock and others are discovering is that Galactic Center is
emanating high levels of what scientists call torsion wave energy. They
believe that it can trigger a hyperdimensional jump from our 3D space-time
into a higher aetheric density. Hyperdimensional jumps are also associated
with time travel.

Another site with a lot of good scientific information about the shift is
Russell Boulding’s. I feel a lot of affinity with his work and his approach,
particularly his hopeful message and his ideas about how to consciously
participate in it. His work is based on some mind-expanding information.
Russell has developed some interesting premises, based on research he has
done for writing his book, Preparing for the Great Shift:

• The Shift may have occurred in 1987 at the time of the 1987 Harmonic

• Earth may already be in 4th or 5th density but being holographically held
in 3D while life adapts to the higher frequencies

• Past, present & future timelines are all being created at the same time

• How humans make The Shift is affecting the evolution of the whole universe