Wednesday, August 23, 2006

N dimensions

Perhaps most amazing of all has been the seemingly exponential growth
of our individual frequencies as we pass through what amounts to over
600,000 dimensions, instead of just the third through fifth that most
are working with now. Because of our work in these multiple
dimensions, we've been able to lift others considerably higher than
what used to be considered the impassable barrier of 1,000 (as per the
Hawkins Scale in which 1,000 is considered the number necessary for

Honestly, we've discovered that there is absolutely no limit on how
high you (or the planet) can go with your individual frequency. Once
you transcend the prior limitations, it's strictly a matter of how
much Light you can generate.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

November 11, 06 at 11:11:11

This the alignment of planets on November 11, 06 at 11:11:11
 As far as cosmic dates and doorways of energy expansion this is a big one leading up to
the Nov, 11 2011 which preceeds the winter solstice that will occur
at 11:11 universal time.

It is during this time that the next level of energy comes and starts bringing whole groups
of people into the 5th above levels of energy.The Mayan hold this time as the beganning
of the Days of the 5th Days. This is a quatum leap in activation of crystalcells within us
and the world as a whole.

Add up this date and you get 5   1+1+1+1+2+6+1+1+1+1 =7 which is compleation.